정책 본문


1. Corporate Website Privacy Policy

A privacy policy refers to guidelines a company must comply with in order to ensure that users can use its services with confidence.
Kakao Corporation ("Company") adheres to statutory laws and personal data protection regulations of the Republic of Korea applicable to data controllers, and provides a privacy policy in compliance therewith.
The Company collects, uses and provides a user’s personal information based on the user’s agreement, and actively guarantees the user’s right (right to make a decision over one’s own personal information).
Kakao strives to offer an easy-to-comprehend Privacy Policy to actively guarantees users' rights (the right to control one's own personal information). As part of our efforts, we used labels to highlight personal information processed by Kakao.

This Privacy Policy is applicable to users who wish to use Kakao’s recruitment process, IR meeting booking system, reporting to the Cyber Ethics Center, registration of visits to Kakao Space, partner proposal, e-Bidding system, Entrance Pass Application System, Partner on Kakao, Kakao Tech Campus, Win-Win with Kakao, the Real Estate Asset Management System (RAMS), and Kakao Space / Kakao AI Campus (“User”) and the "Ttok Ttok" data center access application system.

  • Personal Information
    Personal Information

    Kakao collects the minimum personal information needed to provide services. Kakao does not collect personal information without the user’s consent unless it is prescribed by law. Personal information is collected after the purpose of collection and items collected are notified to the user, and the user consents to the collection.

    Please refer to 2. Collection of Personal Information in the Privacy Policy below for more information.

  • Purpose of Processing
    Purpose of Processing

    Users' personal information collected by Kakao is only used for purposes needed to provide Kakao services, including member management, service provision and improvement, and new service development. Whenever personal information is collected, users are notified of the processing of information and users' consent is obtained.

    Please refer to 3. Use of Personal Information in the Privacy Policy below for more information on Kakao’s purpose of using personal information.

  • Provision to Third Parties
    Provision to Third Parties

    Personal information may be provided to connect to a third party's service or use affiliated services. Kakao does not provide personal information to a third party without separate consent from the user unless it is stipulated in laws and regulations. Information that is provided to third parties is only provided after notifying users of the information recipient and the purpose of provision, and after obtaining consent from the user.

    Please refer to 4. Provision of Personal Information in the Privacy Policy below for more information on Kakao’s provision of personal information to a third party.

  • Entrustment of Processing
    Entrustment of Processing

    Kakao entrusts personal information so that external entities can execute some tasks that are vital to providing services. Kakao manages and supervises to ensure that the entrusted entity complies with laws and regulations on personal information protection by prohibiting the entrusted entity from processing personal information for purposes other than to execute entrusted tasks, applying technical and administrative protective measures and restricting re-entrustment.

    Please refer to 4. Provision of Personal Information in the Privacy Policy below for more information on all entities that are entrusted by Kakao to process personal information.

  • Rights and Obligations of Information Owners
    Rights and Obligations of Information Owners

    Kakao guarantees the rights and obligations of the information owner when processing personal information. Kakao users can view or update their personal information at any time, withdraw consent to the collection, use and provision of personal information, and request to deactivate their account.

    Please refer to 6. Rights of Users and Legal Representatives, and Exercising Those Rights in the Privacy Policy below for more information on the rights and obligations of information owners defined by Kakao.

  • Privacy Protection Department
    Privacy Protection Department

    If you have any inquiries, complaints, advice, or other issues related to privacy protection during the use of Kakao services, please contact Kakao's Customer Service and we will review the issue and provide a response. Kakao values our users' opinions and strives to create safer Services.

    Please refer to 9. Privacy Protection Officer and Responsible Department in the Privacy Policy below for Kakao's Privacy Protection Officer and the responsible department’s contact information.

2. Collection of Personal Information

The Company collects the minimum amount of personal information necessary to provide services.
The minimum information required to provide the service is required, and if additional collection is necessary depending on the nature of the service, consent is obtained as an optional item. Even if you do not consent to the optional items, there are no restrictions on the use of the service.

서비스별 개인정보 수집항목 표
Service Information to be collected
Recruitment (Applicant Registration and Registration in Talent Pool)
[Applicant registration]

[Required] ID (email), name, date of birth, mobile phone no.

[Application form preparation, application to a job opening or registration in Talent Pool]

[Required] Job experience (start date, end date, company name, position, duty, employee type), projects (start date, end date, company name, project name, project type, project details and role, skills used), military service (military service classification), self-introduction.

  • 1) Education (entry date, graduation date, graduation status, name of institution, major, GPA)
  • 2) Certificate (date issued, name of certificate, organization, level)
  • 3) Language (language, certificate name, score/grade, host, date)
  • 4) Award (date, name of award, organization)
  • 5) Veteran Benefit (recipient or not)
  • 6) Disability (type, level)
[Salary determination]

[Required] Supporting documents required for salary determination.

[Upon recruitment]

[Required] Intranet ID, nationality, address, Resident Registration No (Alien Registration No for foreigners)

[Optional] Veteran No.

IR meeting booking system
[User registration]

[Required] Email(ID), password, name, organization, position, company address, company phone.

[Optional] Department name, other contact number.

[Meeting booking]
  • User information: Name, email, organization, position, contact info.
  • Meeting attendee information: Name, organization, contact info, email.

[Optional] Meeting attendee information: Position.

[Distribution application]

[Required] Email

Reporting to the Cyber Ethics Center

[Required] Name, phone number, email

Registration of visits to Kakao Space

[Required] Name, phone number, department, email

Partnership proposal

[Required] Company (organization) name, name of the person making the proposal, phone number, email

e-Bidding system

[Required] ID, password, name, mobile phone, email, company name, department, position

Entrance Pass Application System

[Required] Name, affiliation, mobile phone number, email

Kakao Bug Bounty

[Required] Email, password, nickname

Partner on Kakao ("PoK")
[For corporate member registration]
  • Person in charge (PIC): ID (email), name, email, date of birth, gender, mobile phone, extension number, department, position/title
  • Sole proprietor information (for main PIC registration): Sole proprietor information (representative name, phone, business address), payment account information (bank name, account number, account holder's name), bankbook copy.
[For individual member registration]

[Required] ID (email), name, email, date of birth, gender, mobile phone, address, payment account information (bank name, account number, account holder's name), bankbook copy.

[For individual transaction information registration/settlement]

[Required] Resident Registration Number, ID card copy.

Kakao Tech Campus
[Application registration]

[Required] Name, date of birth, gender, email, contact information, university/college, major, year of entry, completed semesters, GPA, academic records

Win-Win with Kakao
[For dispute settlement application]

[Required] Name, mobile phone, email, supporting information including personal information (when submitting)

Real Estate Asset Management System (RAMS)

[Required] Email (ID), password, name, mobile phone number, company name

Kakao Space / Kakao AI Campus
[Space registration]

[Required] ID (email), name, mobile phone number, affiliated company, affiliated organization

[Kakao AI Campus member sign-up]

[Required] ID (email), name, mobile phone number, affiliated company, affiliated organization

[Visitor vehicle registration]

[Required] Vehicle number

[Survey prize provision]

[Required] Name, mobile phone number, email

"Ttok Ttok" data center access application system
[When signing up as a member]

[Required] Name, date of birth, KakaoTalk account (email), name of affiliated company, mobile phone number, email address, license plate number, biometric information (fingerprints, veins, etc.)

[When applying for a pass to the lease center]

[Required] Identification photo

In addition, the following information may be created and collected automatically while you use our services.

While using the PC web and mobile web/app services, your device information (OS, screen size, device ID, phone model, device model etc.), IP address, cookies, visiting date and time, fraudulent use history, service use history, and other data may be created and collected automatically.

The Company collects personal information using the following means.

• Collects personal information entered by a user after that user consents to the collection of personal information during the sign-up process and while using the service
• Collects personal information from partnering services or organizations
• Collects personal information via webpage, email, fax and phone during Customer Service consultations
• Collects personal information provided when users participate in online and/or offline events

기업사이트 개인정보 처리방침 라벨링 안내 리스트
  • Personal Information

    Kakao collects the minimum amount of personal information needed for him/her to use the service. Kakao may collect additional information upon the user's consent to allow the user to access specialized services.

  • Unique Identifiable Information | Resident Registration Number

    Kakao may collect a user's Resident Registration Number, which is a unique identifiable information in accordance with the law, when processing payments, verifying accounts, and withholding taxes.

  • Automatic Data Collection

    The device information, IP address, cookies, date and time of visit, bad usage records, service usage records, etc. may be generated and collected automatically during service use.

3. Use of Personal Information

The Company uses a user's personal information within the scope of the purposes for which consent has been granted.

Applicant management
  • Applicant identification, confirmation of the intention to apply, recruitment process, notification, smooth communication with applicants, reference for ongoing recruitment
  • (Upon recruitment) Salary determination, employee identification, HR management, employment contract signing and implementation (placement, welfare, training, salary, etc), employee directory, payroll, etc.
IR meeting booking and management
  • User identification, member management, member profile management and notification within IR Meeting Service.
  • IR meeting booking and attendee verification, delivery of booking information and booking management, smooth communication with attendees.
  • Distribution list registration and the delivery of major IR event information.
Management of reports to the Cyber Ethics Center
  • Filing of reports to the Cyber Ethics Center, counseling, return of processing result
Kakao Space visitor program management
  • Reservation for visits to the Jeju Space, user identification, return of processing result
Management of partnership proposal
  • Filing of partnership proposal, return of processing result
e-Bidding system
  • User identification, communication to proceed e-Bidding, return of processing result
Entrance Pass Application System Management
  • Information on personal identification of visitors, issuance and return of entrance passes, etc.
Kakao Bug Bounty management
  • User identification and member management, communication including notification and customer service
PoK member management and contract
  • User identification and membership management, identity verification, prevention of illegal use, communication for business consultation between transaction partners, provision of information according to service use within the PoK system.
  • Confirmation and registration of business partners, account validation, bidding and evaluation, contract conclusion and ordering, contract implementation including payment.
  • Tax withholding from income for individual members, the issuance of withholding tax receipts
Kakao Tech Campus program management
  • Proceed with selection process, edit applications, confirm eligibility, confirm acceptance, secure communication channels with applicants, operate training programs, issue certificates
Win-Win with Kakao dispute settlement application management
  • Use for communication, including the notification of dispute settlement application results
Manage Real Estate Asset Management System (RAMS) members
  • User identification and member management, notification
When using Kakao Space/Kakao AI Campus
  • Kakao Space reservation & service provision
  • Kakao AI Campus member sign-up
  • Kakao Space & AI Campus visitor vehicle registration
  • Survey prize provision
"Ttok Ttok" data center access application system management
  • User identification, member management, delivery of notifications
  • Management of access application information, management of access history, identification of individuals for access control, application for a regular pass to access the lease center
  • Processed Items and Purposes

    Personal information items collected based on a user's agreement are processed for purposes required to provide Kakao Services including membership management. Processed items and their purposes are disclosed in Kakao's Privacy Policy at all times.

4. Provision of Personal Information

The Company does not provide your personal information to third parties, unless you have given a separate consent or as it is prescribed by law.
However, if personal information has to be provided to a third party during the use of the service, the information is provided after obtaining consent from the user in advance.
  • Status of provision of personal information to third parties
    개인정보 제3자 제공현황
    Service Name Recipient Purpose of provision Items to be provided Recipient's retention period
    Partnership proposal
    Kakao Pay, Kakao Enterprise, Kakao Entertainment, Kakao Brain
    Identity verification based on partnership application and securing of smooth communication path
    Company (organization) name, proposer's name, phone number, email
    Immediately destroyed after being stored for 3 months after review is completed to provide customer consults related to the partnership proposal
    Kakao Tech Campus
    Affiliated university/college
    Provide opinion when selecting program participants, recognize participant's credits based on training results
    Name, university/college, major, year of entry, completed semesters, GPA, training results
    Store for 6 months after the program has ended
    "Ttok Ttok" data center access application system
    LG CNS, LG U+, SK C&C, SK Broadband, KT
    Application for a regular pass to access the lease center
    Name, date of birth, identification photo, company name, email address, mobile phone number
    Destroyed immediately upon withdrawal of permission

The following affairs are entrusted to provide the Services.

If needed for service provision, some or all personal information processing tasks may be entrusted to an external entity. Kakao manages and supervises whether the entrusted entity complies with laws and regulations on personal information protection by limiting the entrusted entity's processing of personal information to that necessary to execute the entrusted tasks, applying technical and administrative protective measures and restricting re-entrustment.

  • Entrustment of personal information processing
    Contractor Task
    dk techin
    Service development and operation, Operation of the Kakao Data Center
    Day 1 Company
    Kakao Tech Campus program operation
    Kakao Tech Campus website development and operation
    Haevichi Hotel & Resort
    Kakao AI Campus and Space reservation management, Business management
    Sanha Information Technology Inc.
    PMS connection·management
    Shinhwa System
    Access system connection·management and Entrance QR issuance
    Kakao Mobility Corporation
    Parking management system connection·management
    S1, Unies, Proscom, Doingcns
    Comprehensive management of office building
    Kakao Enterprise Corp.
    Operation of Kakao Data Center Ansan
  • Provision to Third Parties

    Kakao only provides personal information to a third party when a user directly consents to the provision of personal information in order to use the services of an outside partner. The list of third parties receiving personal information can be viewed in Kakao's Privacy Policy.

  • Entrustment of Processing

    Kakao entrusts part of its work necessary to provide services to outside companies. In case of entrustment, Kakao carries out management and supervision on a regular basis to ensure that the companies comply with applicable laws related to personal information protection.

5. Destruction of Personal Information

A user's personal information is to be destroyed immediately once the purpose of its collection and use is fulfilled. The procedure and method of destruction are as follows:

The method of destroying personal information that has to be destroyed because the purpose of its collection and use has been achieved, or because the user has unsubscribed from the service, will be determined depending on the format of the personal information. Personal information stored in electronic file formats is to be deleted using technical means which make the information unrecoverable. Personal information printed on paper records, printed matters and documents is to be destroyed through shredding or incineration.

Any information that is destroyed after being stored for a certain period under the internal policies is as follows:
  • 1.A partnership proposal is to be kept for 3 months after review and destroyed without delay.
  • 2.The application history of an applicant will be stored for one year from the date of withdrawal and then destroyed to confirm the application history and limit re-application of those who did not pass the interview. (However, at this time, it is safely converted so that the original value cannot be checked, and is used only in the form of a comparison value.)
  • 3.Among the information of final successful applicants, information permitted to be retained by relevant laws will be stored for the period specified by law.
    (However, if a consent is obtained, personal information may be processed and retained within the agreed purpose and retention period of personal information.)
    • 1) Issuance of employment certificate such as a career certificate for a leaver.• Ground for retention: Labor Standards Act
    • 2) Processing of year-end tax adjustment• Ground for retention: Income Tax Act, Framework Act on National Taxes
      • Retention period: 5 years
  • 4.IR meeting booking information is to be stored for one year from the date of the meeting request date, and then destroyed without delay thereafter.
  • 5.PoK member and transaction information is stored for the period specified below in accordance with the Company's internal policy and related laws, and other information is destroyed without delay upon membership withdrawal.
    • 1) Retention period in accordance with the Company's internal policy• In the case that membership application is rejected, the information is retained for seven days from the date of application before destruction.
      • The history of vendor notification sending is retained for one month from the date of sending before destruction.
      • Information related to all transactions required to respond to requests from regulatory agencies are stored for 6 years from the last transaction date before destruction.
    • 2) Retention period in accordance with applicable laws• In accordance with the Commercial Act, the Company's trade books and major documents related to its business are to be retained for 10 years, and information related to slips or similar documents are to be retained for 5 years.
      • Information concerning books related to all transactions and supporting documents are to be retained for 5 years in accordance with the Framework Act on National Taxes and the Corporate Tax Act.
  • 6.Information on accepted Kakao Tech Campus applicants are stored for five years from the program completion date, and is then destroyed without delay.
  • 7.Information on the individual who applied for dispute settlements are stored for one year from the date the dispute settlement results were notified, and is then destroyed without delay.
  • 8.Member information for the "Ttok Ttok" data center access application system is kept for 2 years and destroyed after unregistering as a member. Information collected for the purpose of access record management is kept and destroyed after 2 years starting from the first access.
    • • Biometric information (e.g., fingerprints, vein information, characteristics) is immediately destroyed upon withdrawal of permission or unregistering as a member.

Personal information that need to be stored for a certain period of time in accordance with laws and regulations or until the statutes of limitations specified in commercial law expires, and related laws and regulations are as follows;새창열림

  • Retention Period and Destruction

    Kakao safely destroys personal information which are no longer needed for the specific purpose for which it was collected and used, or when after a user withdraws membership. Collected information will be retained only for the notified retention period before being destroyed, and any information which is required to be retained for a specific period based on applicable laws will be stored separately.

6. Rights of Users and Legal Representatives, and Exercising Those Rights

Users may possess the following rights regarding the handling of their personal information:

• The right to request access to (or view) personal information;
• The right to request rectification of personal information;
• The right to request suspension of personal information processing; and
• The right to request deletion of personal information and to withdraw consent or terminate membership.

To ensure a smooth recruitment process, an applicant may not edit or delete the application form which has already been submitted to the Company. If the applicant wants to delete personal information, he or she must contact the person in charge of recruitment.
• Talent Recruitment Officer: careers@kakaocorp.com

When processing the personal information of a child under 14, obtaining consent from his/her legal guardian is mandatory.The legal guardian holds the authority to access, modify, delete, suspend processing, and withdraw consent on behalf of the child.

To secure a legal guardian's consent, minimal information such as the legal guardian's name and contact details might be solicited from the child, and the legal guardian's consent is confirmed using the following means.
• Verifying the legal guardian's identity via their mobile phone authentication
• Providing a written consent form to the legal guardian for endorsement and submission; and
• Furthermore, equivalent means to those mentioned above might be employed to communicate the specifics of the consent to the legal guardian and ascertain their intention to provide consent.

  • Rights and Obligations of Information Subjects

    Kakao users may at any time exercise the rights to request for access and correction of their personal information, and request the withdrawal of their agreement to personal information processing.

  • Legal Representatives

    For children under the age of 14, a legal representative may exercise the rights to request for access, correction, deletion and suspension of processing of the child's personal information.

7. Matters Concerning Devices that Automatically Collect Personal Information (InstallationㆍOperation and Refusal)

Cookies can be used to provide the web-based services. Cookies are used to support a faster and more convenient use of websites and to provide customized services.

 What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small piece of text file usually set by the web server, sent from a website and stored in a user's computer hard disk while the user is browsing that website.

 Why is a cookie used?

Cookies help users use the website easily and conveniently by finding out the user's preferences. Also, they are used to improve the service so that the user can enjoy a faster web environment.

 Rejection of cookies

A user has the option to install cookies, and may go to the top of the web browser, click "Settings > Privacy and security > Cookies and other site data" to decide whether to block or allow cookies. However, when you refuse to install cookies, you may face inconvenience in using the web and be restricted from using some services that require login.

Allow/block cookies on a web browser

• Chrome : More Settings on the web browser > Privacy and security > Delete browsing data
• Edge : Settings > Cookies and site permissions > Manage and delete cookies and site data

Allow/block cookies on a mobile browser

• Chrome : Settings on the mobile browser > Privacy and security > Delete browsing data
• Safari : Settings on your mobile device > Safari > Advanced > Block all cookies
• Samsung Internet : Settings on the mobile browser > Personal browsing data > Delete browsing data

8. Measures to Secure the Safety of Personal Information

The Company is making the following efforts to protect users' personal information.

Users' personal information is encrypted.
  • Users' personal information is transmitted through encrypted communication channels, and important information including passwords are encrypted when stored.
Personal information is protected from hacking attempts and computer viruses.
  • Systems are installed in areas restricted from external factors to prevent users' personal information from being leaked or damaged by hacking or computer viruses. A 24-hour monitoring system has been installed to detect and block any hacking attempts, and vaccine programs are in place to protect the system from the latest malware and viruses. Kakao is also continuously researching new security and anti-hacking technologies and applying them to its services.
Personal information is handled by minimum personnel.
  • The Company limits the number of employees involved in personal information processing to a minimum. Furthermore, we have established systematic criteria for generating and changing passwords for the personal information processing system and those for access authorization, and have conducted ongoing audits.
We conduct regular training for personnel responsible for personal information handling, focusing on user privacy protection.
  • We implement periodic education and campaigns on privacy obligations and security for all personnel engaged in personal information processing.
Documents and auxiliary storage media that contains pseudonymized information is stored in a locked and safe space. Kakao meets national and international certification standards on user information protection activities and systems.
  • Kakao is verified annually by an independent auditing organization to ensure that we meet national and international certification standards on information protection and privacy management. The result of the audit is applied to any improvements needed.
See Kakao's Information Protection Certifications Kakao implements various activities to protect users' personal information.
  • Kakao operates a personal information management system that is based on Privacy by Design, and offers guidelines to ensure that users of all ages, including seniors, children and youth, can easily understand Kakao's Privacy Policy. In addition, Kakao users are provided a wide range of information, including information about Kakao's privacy protection organization and news and trends on domestic and international privacy-related policies through Kakao's Privacy Brunch Story. More information is available on the Kakao Privacy Website새창열림.
  • Security Measures

    To ensure the security of a user's personal information, Kakao complies with all legal requirements in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, and monitors its security measure levels on a regular basis through internal and external verification.

  • Personal Information Protection Certification

    Kakao's privacy and information protection system has been certified by certification authorities.

Kakao complies with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation and the laws and regulations of the European Union states (hereinafter the “GDPR”).

The following may apply when Kakao provides services to users in EU countries.

[Purpose and Basis of Personal Information Processing]

Kakao uses personal information collected from users only for purposes specified in "3. Use of Personal Information", informs users prior to any use thereof and asks for agreement.In addition, Kakao may process personal information in accordance with applicable laws including GDPR in any of the following cases:

• Consent of the data subject
• Signing and fulfillment of a contract with the data subject
• Legal compliance
• When personal information processing is necessary for the material benefit of the data subject
• For the pursuit of legitimate interests of the company (except for cases where the benefits, rights or freedom of the data subject is more important than that of the company.)

[Guarantee of Users' Rights in EU Countries]

In accordance with applicable laws including GDPR, a user may request that his or her personal information be transferred to another manager, and refuse the processing of his or her information. In addition, a user has a right to file a complaint with data privacy protection authorities.
Kakao may also use personal information for marketing purposes such as event promotion or advertisements, for which Kakao obtains a prior agreement. A user may withdraw the agreement at any time if he or she doesn't want it.
A user may inquire the foregoing matters to the Customer Service via document, phone or email. The request will be handled in a proper and timely manner.
When a user requests for the correction of personal information, the concerned information shall not be displayed until such correction is completed.

9. Privacy Protection Officer and Responsible Department

The Company has designated the Privacy Protection Officer and a department responsible for responding to user inquiries regarding personal information and resolving related complaints.

Privacy Protection Officer and Responsible Department
  • Manager: Yeonjea Kim (Privacy Protection Officer / DPO)
  • Department: Privacy Protection Department
  • Contact: Kakao Customer Service (Link) / 1577-3754 (Charged)

You may also make inquiries to the following organizations if you need to report or consult in regards to the violation of personal information.

KISA Report Center for Personal Information Breach
Cyber Crime Investigation, Supreme Prosecutors' Office
National Police Agency Cyber Bureau
Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee
  • Privacy Protection Officer and Responsible Department

    Users may contact the Privacy Protection Officer and the responsible department (Kakao Privacy Protection Part) for any questions or complaints regarding personal information protection that they experience during service use.

  • Remedies for Infringement on Rights

    Users who want to report or consult on personal information infringement may contact government organizations for help.

10. Amendment to the Privacy Policy

Kakao may amend its Privacy Policy to reflect any legal or service changes. In this case, the Company will inform you of such changes at least seven days before the effective date through the Notice page on its website. However, major amendments regarding the rights or obligations of the user will be notified at least 30 days before the effective date.

  • Privacy Policy Effective Date : October 02, 2024
  • Privacy Policy Amendment Notice Date: September 25, 2024
  • Change of Personal Information Processing Policy

    Kakao's personal information processing policy may be amended due to the change of laws or services, and in this case, amendments will be notified to users via Service Notices in advance.