Leading you to all the right places, Kakao Map
Kakao Map finds you
the fastest routes in South Korea
and also helps you discover the best restaurants and hot spots in your location.
Everything you would
expect from a navigation and more!
Kakao Map will find you the fastest route to your destination, whether you’re going by car, public transit, bike or walking, using the latest information that was updated within the past 24 hours
Find your route and immediately use the navigation provided in Kakao Map, without having to download a separate app.
Press the button once and Kakao Map will send a push notification to tell you when to get on and off the public transits when you are on the move.
Check your Kakao Talk friend’s current location and real-time travel route when going to meet your friend or returning home late at night.
Discover new places with the “Nearby” tab, which provides recommendations to places in your current location, as well as the “Theme Map”, which shows special locations according to specific themes.
Tech Service The development of an image classification model
Life Say what you need and it will be done
with Hey Kakao#display#heykakao#mobility#navigation#smarthome
Press Release Kakao and OpenAI announce Strategic Collaboration, a first in Korea
#Kakao#OpenAI#Strategic Collaboration#kakao AI