The Story of My Daily Life, Kakao Story
Easily share stories of your day to day life
and follow stories you are curious about in one place.
Feeds that overflow with new stories
Press “Follow” to easily subscribe to interesting channels, and find useful information as well as stories from friends.
Discover precious stories
Go to the “Discover” menu to find interesting people,trending videos and new stories.
Use media to express yourself
Take and upload photos and videos quickly and efficiently with the powerful camera that is only available in KakaoStory’s mobile app.
Easily search up MyStory
Search your stories by month and see posts which tagged you and the places you visited in one place.
Subscription-based StoryChannel
Anyone can create and operate a StoryChannel, where you can share stories about your interests, favorite brands and business.
The Story of My Daily Life,
Kakao Story
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