
For all kinds of mobility,
Kakao T


Reduce your time on the road and use more time for yourself.
The more convenient your mobility is, the more you can achieve.

Most convenient way to access all mobility services

Access all mobility services through the theme-based top tab and Integrated Search, located at the top of the Home screen.

Home tab screen of Kakao T Home
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Reliable and convenient
Kakao T Taxi

Kakao T eliminated the hassle of hailing a taxi to create an efficient taxi service that is convenient for both the passenger and driver.

After setting a destination, the screen showing the amount of money for each venti, blue, and black color
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Smart, data-driven
Kakao T Driver

Kakao T Driver uses data to recommend a rate that can match you with a driver quickly, and identifies locations that has the most calls.

Setting a destination, a stopover, and a surrogate call.
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Move to nearby locations with ease,
Kakao T Bike

Kakao T Bike and connected scooters enables you to move to places that are too far to walk, not easily accessible by public transportation or close enough to go by bike.

A map showing the bike
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The smart way to park your car,
Kakao T Parking

No more driving around, looking for a parking spot. Search, reserve and pay for the perfect parking spot near your destination with Kakao T Parking.

A map showing the price and distance of parking lots near your destination
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Flight reservations made easy,
Kakao T Flight

Kakao T Flight is your one-stop air travel solution, from searching tickets to finding transportation to the airport, without the need to search multiple websites or to sign up to a service.

A screen where you can set the information of the airline route you want to search for.
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Everything you need for train travel,
Kakao T Train

Find the best route with information provided by KORAIL, and conveniently buy tickets and get on the train with Kakao T Train.

The train screen where you can search for your destination
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All you need for intercity travel,
Kakao T Bus

Search the best route for intercity bus travel, reserve and pay for tickets and get on the bus, all with Kakao T Bus.

Intercity bus screen where you can search for destinations
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Reserve, use and return rental cars,
all with
Kakao T Rent Car

Kakao T takes care of all your rental car needs, from reservations, returns to fuel fee payments!

Home screen where you can select Jeju reservations and inland reservations
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When it's time to play,
Kakao T Shuttle

Wondering how to get to the amusement park, festival, concert or nearby travel destination?
Use a Kakao T Shuttle!

A screen where you can view a list of operating shuttles.
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The same level of convenience overseas,
Overseas Kakao T services

Call a vehicle when overseas with the same level of convenience.
Don't worry about language barriers.
Simply use Kakao T to call a vehicle when overseas.

A screen where you can set your departure and arrival points when using a ride-hailing service such as a taxi abroad.
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Easiest way to send and receive deliveries,
Kakao T Quick·Delivery

From home or from work!
Anyone can easily request a courier or delivery service through the Kakao T app.

A screen that allows you to set the destination location for quick-delivery services.
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Every service a driver needs,
offered in the
My Car tab

Navigation and car maintenance services are available in both Kakao Navi and Kakao T's My Car tab.

My Car Tap screen on Kakao T Home
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Mobility service for pets,
Kakao T Pet

Take a ride with your best friend! Move with your pet, safely and comfortably, with Kakao T.

The screen where you can set your departure and arrival locations
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